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Malik Media
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Redesign of Career page to fit the current needs of Malik Media

Malik Media (Aggregate) is a strategy consultancy with a full-service creative agency in-house. As a hybrid entity, they double as a trusted strategic advisor to executive leaders and an integrated creative partner to their marketing teams. 


The goal for this project is to design the career page in a more user friendly way. 


Web Design

User Research

Visual Design

Before & After

Current career page is bland, not interactive nor informative. Although it is very simple, it lacks the information about company history, company culture, and it doesn't look more appealing than other similar jobs in the users' eyes. 

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Identifying Problem

Some area don't have enough information,
some area has too much (scattered) information.

If you take a look in the "before" page above, you can see there's not enough information on the career landing page. It doesn't give the user an idea what does the company looking for cultural wise. In today's world, whether you are a good cultural fit to the company is  very important for both the job seeker and the employer. 


The old career landing page is also awfully simple, it doesn't give the candidate a good idea what to expect from the company. Even though the position page is very detailed, it just looks like any other product design role in any other company. It doesn't give the candidate a reason to choose to work for Malik Media (Aggregate) than others. 


At the same time, the position page is filled with paragraphs. It is very hard on the eye and it doesn't encourage the job seekers to carefully read it through. Some information is repetitive, and the general user experience is not very pleasant. This increase the possibility of candidate losing patient and starting applying randomly, which cost both the company's time and the candidate's energy. 

Design Process

Understand and Define the Problem





(Future Step)


How to demonstrate the company well?

1. Show company value. In this way, the job seeker can see the uniqueness of Malik Media.

2. Incorporate more branding element in the page to show the company culture.

3. Add real people (employee) experience to connect with the job seeker more. 

How to make the website more appealing to job seeker?

1. Show what the company has to offer.

2. Show the company culture, so the future candidate can see if they are a good fit or not.

How are other companies designing the career page?

1. Display what kind of personality they are looking for.

2. Show incentives and benefits.

3. Distinguish themselves from other similar companies.

4. Give a strong sense of belonging.


What I want to achieve is to develop a career page that demonstrate the essence of the company while it's easy and fast for the potential candidate to find out whether it is a good fit or not. 

User Interviews

I conducted some interview among my friends and other young professionals (22 – 32 years old) who are job searching. Following are the five most important features they are looking for from a career page.

Learning Opportunities
Work-Life Balance


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Key Features

On the career landing page, the user can quickly get an idea what kind of candidate the company is looking for. 

Compare to the old version, this page provide far more information in the first glance and is way more engaging. 

Flip card design is very good for grouping information. This way, the candidate can quickly figure out what kind of roles the company provides and related qualifications.

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Providing the company's history, and culture will give the user a quick summary about the company environment.

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Using chart and infographics will help break down the big paragraph, which increase the readability of this page. 

Check out the interactive prototype 

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